The overarching goal of MAMBA is to avail of international exchanges to conduct simulation-led, predictive,
materials design by closely interacting with experimental partners in a synergistic way. This, however, would
fall short of fully accomplishing its goal without a consistent outreach effort.
The objectives of this WP are:
1) to engage with the scientific community and engineers to explore possible technological impacts of the research.
2) to engage with the general public to show how scientific research is being used for the
benefit of society at large. It is particularly important to reach the new generations and attract them towards
STEM subjects in particular the growing discipline of modelling and computer simulation.
3) to promote the activities of MAMBA and the MSCA-SE program through the UNESCO TWAS and ICTP
outreach channels, thus increasing the awareness of developing countries on the opportunities that
the MSCA-SE program might open, thus reducing the “two worlds” commonly accepted idea.
A borderless science can help or drive the change for a borderless world.
Lead beneficiary: CNR