One of the main activities in MAMBA is the secondment of PhD students and postdoctoral
fellows between MS/AC and TC. This, however, is not sufficient to create a sense of a community under the
overarching philosophy.
In order to reinforce the meaning of the MAMBA project and how it stretches over
all the research work packages, we have set the following specific objectives under training and networking:
1) to train the ESRs in state-of-the-art computer modelling and experimental irradiation platforms and analysis
over a wide range of methods;
2) to generate awareness about experiment in the community of modellers, and vice versa;
3) to bring the ERs and ESRs under a common umbrella, thus creating a community of theorists and
experimentalists who share a common research interest in the field of materials irradiation;
4) to create the conditions for intra-community networking, while providing opportunities for networking
with scientists and engineers not directly involved in this group;
5) to generate the conditions for cross-pollination between the various research WPs.
Lead beneficiary: UPM